The ways in which an organization and Lifestyle Coach plans for and delivers the first weeks of the National DPP Lifestyle change program can help or hinder a participant's engagement in the lifestyle change program.  This webinar will help lifestyle coaches and program coordinators prepare to deliver their first lifestyle change program sessions in an intentional and engaging way. Experienced Lifestyle Coaches will share their lessons learned and best practices for the first few weeks of the lifestyle change program to increase the likelihood of engaging and keeping participants in the program for the long haul.

Cost: The fee for this webinar is $50 per person, payable by credit card only.

Group discounts are available for groups of 5 or more Lifestyle Coaches. Please email for more information on pricing and registration.

If you are unable to attend the live webinar, please register and a link to the recorded version will be sent to you a few days after the webinar and will be available for viewing for a limited time.

Registration will close at midnight on Wednesday, January 22nd. 

Register Here!